We have all made another week. Now it is time to go Pink Saturday blog hopping with Beverly at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog.
One of my lovely pink roses before the heat wave came to Texas.

If you are looking for an interesting blog, go to(click) "Gwenny's Way" and say hello to Gwenny. She is a very versatile lady. She has just become a grandmother and enjoys riding a motorcycle. When she is not out riding cross country, she is in the kitchen preparing great meals.
Such an interesting pink wire teapot!
~ Gabriela ~
Love the pink teapot too! Enjoy your weekend over there.
I have a wire teapot like that, but mine's all rusty- my favorite color!
Love your pinkie one.
Happy Pink Saturday and hoping you are getting in some cooler days! We are at 71 now- feels so much better than the 90s we had before!
Old and sweaty is not a good thing! LOL!
Love ya! Tete
Happy PS!
I have that teapot in white, LOVE IT! But how I wish mine was pink ... will make a gorgeous centerpiece. I tuck flowers inside mine & have it on a pedestal on the front porch.
Happy PS weekend ~
Very pretty soft pink rose. The wire tea post is really nice-I's sure it made a great centerpiece.
The rose is beautiful LV-Happy Weekend:@)
I hope you roses can hang on.....did you get rain the other day? I hope so. The wire tea pot is perfect for all sorts of places!
Happy Pink Sat! dana
That is a cute teapot, but that rose is truly gorgeous.
Have a pinkishly beautiful weekend.
I love the pink teapot!
Your roses are just beautiful! And I love the charming wire teapot. In fact, one of your pale pink roses would look charming inside it.
Hi, LV...Hope al is well with you. Love your beautiful rose. I cannot grow them for the life of me. Your is gorgeous. And the pink wire pot is so cute. Bet it looked precious on the table. Take care and HPS.
Happy Pink Saturday, LV! I love the pink wire teapot; very cute! Your rose is beautiful too. Have a lovely weekend, sweet lady.
Lovely rose and cute teapot. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment. I really appreciate it. xo,
Hi LV! At last, I'm able to do some PS visits (the computer... don't ask...suffice to say I'm saving hard for a new one...) and so happy to see you! Love the wire teapot - that must have taken some manufacturing! Really unique - but I love your perfect rose the best.
Happy Pink Saturday from the UK!
I love the pink rose; so delicate and dainty!
Your sister's wire teapot is so neat!!! Thanks for referring us to Gwenny's blog. I have just become a follower. Her blog is very promising, AND she's a biker! :D
love your pinks today LV!
happy pink saturday:)
Pink is a favourite of mine.That tae pot is adorable.
I love pretty pink roses and this one is a beauty! Love the little pink wire teapot, too. Lots of neat ways to decorate with it!
I am going to go and meet Gweeny...imagine....a motorcycle riding grandma! Good for her!
How cute that is.... I just love it.
Tell your sister that my back exercises work for me. I do have to do them daily to keep it in shape, but that is a small price to pay. I think a lot of my problems are from a Hip replacement or my leg being shorter than the other.
My exercises are not hard because I am no spring chick... they are just some stretches I do.
Tell her that the therapist told me to stretch in the morning before I even get out of bed... so I just stretch my back the best I can. Then I do my exercises when I get a chance.
Happy Pink Saturday LV, I love the little pink wire teapot, and I'll have to go visit Gwenny and her motorcycle! Hugs Marilou
How beautiful the rose as much as this pot. :) Happy Saturday! LG Tina
Beautiful rose!
Oh isn't the heat just awful L.V.? We need rain sooo badly. I hope those gorgeous roses make it through the drought. xo Nancy
Hi there! HPS to you. I can't wait to get my post up but right now I am going to play some Polly Pockets with my sweet Sophia! I will check out Gwenny's Way for sure. BEst to you!
Hi LV...that is a pretty wire teapot...and I love your pink rose. There is just something so wonderful about a pink rose.
Happy Pink Saturday sweetie...xo Tami
Happy Pink Saturday LV, That is a beautiful rose. Thanks for the visit and comment. Linda
Very pretty pinks. Have a wonderful weekend.
Love that fantastic teapot!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Your roses must be gorgeous!! That is a perfect pink rose!!!
And I love that tea pot!! Awesome find for your sister!!
what a delicate shade of pink ...
I'm in love with this wired tea pot! This tea pot's a treasure, maybe your sister doesn't need it anymore?! Thanks for this post, hon...I'm also at Beverly's Pink Sat. Have a great weekend! Hugs, FABBY
Thanks so much for the kind words for my blog. I love your rose and that wire basket is so pretty, not something you see everyday. Have a blessed weekend.
What a cute pink teapot! Have a happy weekend and try to stay cool.
Oh LV that wire tea basket is precious. I would love to have one of these! I love collecting teapots and cups. Your pink roses were just beautiful. Drat the heat! we are having a big heat wave and I detest it! I like cool and calm! Hee Hee! Love the pinks and come visit anytime. HPS and Hugs to you! Anne
A very beautiful pink rose.
Sometimes, Mr. Sweet brings me coffee and toast in bed, especially on Sun. mornings, and it is such a sweet treat. I would do it every single morning but guess that would spoil me. :))
Have a wonderful weekend.
xo bj
Love the pink teapot!!
Happy Pink Saturday:)
Kay Ellen
Love the pink teapot!!
Happy Pink Saturday:)
Kay Ellen
What a darling teapot, it's going to make a great table decoration. Thank you for swinging in to say hello. I hope to see you again soon. hugs ~lynne~
Thanks for your visit and I'm pleased to come back to you. Just love that rose - incredibly pink!
Happy PS
I need that pink teapot!!!
Hi LV,
your pink rose is delightful, I hope they didn't suffer too much in the Texas heat.
We are supposed to get warmer weather here in Normandy this weekend but so far the clouds are hiding the sun and it's quite cool.
Thanks for your kind comments on my pink hydrangeas, I think that, like me, they could do with a bit more sunshine too!
Happy pink Saturday!! your rose is so pretty...sometimes one beautiful rose is enough.
Happy Pink Saturday ! Lovely rose , and sweet wire teapot .
Lovely little teapot! I just love her!
Happy Pink Saturday~
Neat teapot - I've never seen a wired one before.
YOu have a prettier view than I do, today. -sigh-
Oh I just love your darling rose and that teapot is too cute! Happy Pink Saturday sweet friend, love your header.
Good morning LV, love the rose, and yes roses do not like that heat, same thing here in the desert..but they are beautiful while they last, aren't they?
Love that teapot..too cute!
Will check out Gwenny's blog, thank you for sharing!
have a blessed weekend,
Hi LV...Wow!! Your Texas Pink Rose is gorgeous. I'm glad you got a shot of it before the Three Digit Heat Wave Hit Texas!
Cute Cute Teapot. Thanks so much for stopping by CITexas Gal while I've been absent from Blogging...your comments always brighten my day. Happy Pink Saturday!!!
The rose is gorgeous and the teapot is really pretty, LV...Christine
The rose is gorgeous and the teapot is really pretty, LV...Christine
I love your pretty pinks! Have a great weekend!
Happy Pink Saturday LV Sweetie...
Oh what pinks you have today. Love the rose, the color is so delicate and soft. I bet the fragrance is just as delightful.
That little wire teapot is so fun. Love that it is pink and can think of so many wonderful things to put inside. What fun it would be to decorate with. I imagine it will be popping up quite often at church activities.
Thank you for sharing sweet friend. As always, I so enjoyed my visit. Have a beautiful Pink Saturday and a glorious weekend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
Hi LV!
I know what you mean about the Texas heat and your roses! So glad you got to enjoy it before the heat wave. I have a beautiful rose garden in my backyard with 13 roses bushes in it. It is a lot of work but very worth it. In May the bushes were covered with beautiful blooms and I was bringing in bouquets full of roses every day. Then in June when the Oklahoma heat hit they look just awful. I am going my best to care for them but it is quite a chore in this heat. I envy those ladies that live in Washington and their peonies are just now blooming! Thank you for sharing your beautiful roses and teapot. You have inspired me to paint my wire teapot pink! Happy Pink Saturday!
Love Tammy
So cute teapot!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hello LV, my visits are so sporadic just like my connection to the net here in Maine. Right now it is working so well. I am visiting as many pinkies as I can before it goes bad again.
Love the beautiful rose, I hope the heat wave didn't hurt them too badly. You know I love the pink wire teapot. You can do so much with that cute thing. I bet your sister's table decoration was lovely.
Happy Pink Saturday my sweet blogging friend.
Hugs, Jeanne
Hello LV, my visits are so sporadic just like my connection to the net here in Maine. Right now it is working so well. I am visiting as many pinkies as I can before it goes bad again.
Love the beautiful rose, I hope the heat wave didn't hurt them too badly. You know I love the pink wire teapot. You can do so much with that cute thing. I bet your sister's table decoration was lovely.
Happy Pink Saturday my sweet blogging friend.
Hugs, Jeanne
Oops LV, I didn't mean to post twice.
Jeanne, again
What a fun visit, LaVoice. LOVED your unique pink teapot. Praying for your Texas heat wave!
Hi Lv, Happy Pink Saturday! Love your pink post this week! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment.
Hugs, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Hi LV,
Love the beautiful rose, one of my favorites! Also darling tea pot!
Have a great weekend, I'm now hopping around to all the other pinkies out there...
What a cheerful corner this is. You have a lovely blog!
The pink wire tea pot is just adorable, and your rose is so lovely in that shade of pink.
LV thanks so much for visiting, your visits always make me smile... It's sunny here today, so I hope our rain is making its way down to you... your pink and red roses are lovely .. I hope they keep blooming for you. Loved the photo of you in the chair .. how wonderful to have such great treasures to look back on.... wishing you a little rain for your roses and sunshine for your day ..xo HHL
I love the teapot, I have never seen anything like it!
Your pink rose is AMAZING!
Hi LV! I wish I could've. I had to do some things for parents and diddn't get back online til I posted Friday night. I did get to blog hop thru VTT tho. Everything was great. Love the chairs. LoLm I;m always on the lookout for sad little chairs to cheer up. Jim cringes everytime I look at one.
Just lovely! I've never seen one like this before.
Have a great day!
I hope my friend Tete saw the wire teapot. She bought one from me exactly like it-I bet she hasn't thought about painting it.
I love your spunk! Keep it up.
Also lovely pink post. God Bless
and thanks for visiting my blog.
Wow LV look at all of these comments!
Thanks for stopping by my place...I think you must be right about the short and sweet thing because I am getting good feedback...I shall keep this in mind for sure!
OOps, I forgot to tell you that I love your pink wire teapot! Great find...
Thank for your nice comment on my blog. Have a nice week!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Altered books are made from old books that are ready to be thrown out - and taking the pages and creating art in them. Then you have the old book made into a new piece of art. I love books so much that it is a way to save those old books from the trash heap!
I love the wire teapot you are showing. And your rose is very pretty! Up here in Michigan, we are just now getting our first flush of roses. It has been a cool summer here.
Happy belated Pink Sat.
Happy Pink Saturday, dear LaVoice.
Our roses are looking beaten by the extreme heat and lack of rain. Hopefully, we can keep them alive.
Love the little wire teapot.
And, love you, too.♥
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