When we were kids, we thought our "best friends" were going to be eternal. In some neighborhoods, they cut their fingers with something sterile like a jagged glass or dirty pocket-knife, and mixed their blood, making them":blood sisters or brothers" for life. Today that might not be such a good idea. We have become more knowledgeable about newly developed diseases we might spread by swapping blood and spit. Today we just make a promise to be friends forever. But, few of us know the joy of true friendship. If you are lucky enough to have a true friend, treasure the relationship. They are few and far between.
I consider myself very fortunate to have cultivated some special friendships, which I refer to as my "heart friends" someone you know you can count on in the midst of crisis or turmoil, if only to have a sincere ear to listen while offering a hug. Everyone has multiple acquaintances they might refer to as friends, but often times there is a vast difference between the two sorts.
Family and friends are precious and treasures we all often take for granted. We have no guarantee of tomorrow and life can change in the blink of an eye. In today's hustle-bustle, fast paced life take a minute to take an inventory of the relationships that are important to you. Let those that mean something to you know that they are a significant part of your life.
Just something to think about.