This is a very special day for me for more reasons than one. My first blog was April 28. 2009. At that time, blogging was a new word, and become a new world for me. My niece, Coloradolady, as most of you know her as, created this blog for me. I had nothing to do with its existence and still do not know how it is started. I was so excited when I published my first blog. I had my moments, but I did it. Now as of today, I have published 300 post. Someone has been watching over me to have been able to accomplished this.
I have been blessed with making so many friends through the blog world. I will never meet them in person, but feel as though I know some of you very well. As a result of their friendship, another wonderful thing happened to me this week. There are 232 bloggers that follow me. I remember the day I got one or two. Thrilled me to no end. I am truly amazed and overwhelmed by this gesture. There are no words to describe my feelings on both of these accomplishments. It would never have happened if Coloradolady had not slipped one by me, and for all you great blogging friends. Thank you is such a simple expression, but I am humbled and touched by your thoughtfulness and kindness. I plan on being a member of this elite group for a long time.
A final and personal note to Coloradolady. You opened doors for me that were locked and the key thrown away. Thank you for giving me another reason for enjoying life.
Now we are going to get to the real purpose of this day, visiting with Coloradolady at There is no place you will find such a variety of vintage items. Also, you can meet and visit a new blogging friend.
These little kitty and piggy dust catchers belonged to my mother. There are no markings on them. Back then markings were not important as they are now. They were just special little treasures to her.
This is a 1950's hand painted TILSO ceramic car planter and teapot. There is a foil label on the bottom that reads hand painted, TILSO, Japan. These belonged to my mother-in-law. There is no great monetary value on either of the four shown. Just valuable treasures and memories to me.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Vintage Thingies Thursday
Posted by LV at 6:47 PM 31 comments
Labels: VTT
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Outdoor Wednesday
Susan at has asked us to join her for a big Outdoor Wednesday party. Pull up a chair and view some of the very best outdoor scenes you will find anywhere.
These are large, very, very tall lob lolly pines in my back yard. This picture does not capture their real height. I bought these back in the late 60's from a charity. They were about the size of your little finger. Trust me, they are growing straight up. I never thought I would see them this size. It was my understanding they were not a native tree. Of course, this is the way they look now after the snow storm we had last winter.
These are two views of the pine cones and needles that grow on them and clutter your yard.
Posted by LV at 8:36 PM 15 comments
Labels: outdoor Wed.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Blue Monday
Today's Blue Monday is a small tribute to Sally at
As a rule, I try to visit as many other bloggers as I can on any given day. After Sally's post last Monday, I decided I would be brave and try something I had never done before. I visited every Blue Monday participate and left a comment, which was a total of 78. I may have missed two or three as I could not reach their blog. I can assure you it is work and takes a lot of time. I was wore out. I truly have a lot more respect and appreciation for Sally. She does this on all the Blue Mondays. She works hard to make things work for all her participates. Sally, thank you for all you do on our behalf. My hat's off to you.
During young school days, if we did our work well, sometimes we were given a gold star. Since this is Blue Monday, Sally, I am awarding you this blue star for the excellent job you do for us.

Posted by LV at 8:37 PM 85 comments
Labels: Blue Monday
Friday, June 25, 2010
Pink Saturday
The best place in blog land for a great Pink Saturday is with Beverly at

I would like to introduce a delightful blogging friend. She is Terry at She is a lovely lady with a variety of interests. You will enjoy your visit with her.
Posted by LV at 8:00 PM 30 comments
Labels: pink Sat.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sky Watch Friday
Beautiful Sky Watch Friday sights from 33,000 feet. For more amazing skies, please join the world wide participants at
Posted by LV at 6:15 PM 31 comments
Labels: skywatch friday
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Vintage Thingies Thursday - Week Four
Sorry friends, but our vacation is over. Trust there was some part of these four weeks with Coloradolady in Hollywood. CA that you might have enjoyed. Thanks to all of you that joined us for this trip. For more exciting vintage thingies go to
Posted by LV at 5:30 PM 27 comments
Labels: VTT
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Outdoor Wednesday
Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday with Susan at

Posted by LV at 7:05 PM 22 comments
Labels: outdoor Wed.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Blue Monday
These Blue Mondays with Sally at seem to roll around before I am ready. Trust you will enjoy my simple blues for today. Looks like I better go blue shopping.
Sometimes even nature gets the blues.
Posted by LV at 8:42 PM 40 comments
Labels: Blue Monday
Friday, June 18, 2010
Pink Saturday
Another exciting day to see some of the prettiest pinks anywhere. Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly at http;//
I spied this pretty little pink cabinet while strolling through a craft mall.
Today, I am introducing another fellow Texan. As you know, in Texas everything is bigger or better. Also, you will find some of the nicest bloggers. Please take time to drop by for a visit with Calamity Anne at
Posted by LV at 9:16 PM 18 comments
Labels: pink Sat.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sky Watch Friday
Thanks to all the great people that make Sky Watch Friday such a great feature. One of my favorite places to visit each week. If you have not seen this great show go to
In the big cloud, I see a fist holding something.
Posted by LV at 6:19 PM 25 comments
Labels: skywatch friday
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Vintage Thingies Thursday - Week Three
We are into our third week of vacationing in Hollywood with Coloradolady. We are touring the homes of the stars today and next week. Check out all the other VTT participates at
Posted by LV at 4:36 PM 39 comments
Labels: VTT
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Outdoor Wednesday
Another Outdoor Wednesday with Susan at Wonderful outdoor scenes around the world are shown here each Wednesday.
Greenery and rock combination make a pretty outdoor sight.
Probably a lot of you are not familiar with a storm house/cellar. Those that live in tornado country know about them. This is a picture of one in East Texas that is still being used. When growing up, we had one and was told to get in when a bad cloud came up. I always had a fear I was going to buried alive in it.
Posted by LV at 6:45 PM 21 comments
Labels: outdoor Wed.