This will be my best REDnesday ever today. To see many more special reds join Sue and her cherry friends at precious child is my great grandson. We had just had a snack is the reason for the crumbs on his mouth. There is a red rose for added beauty.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Posted by LV at 6:32 PM 36 comments
Labels: red Wed.
Secret Santa is on the prowl. Checking to see who has been naughty or nice. It will be a surprise when he stops at your house.
I tried shopping in your favorite store. Too many choices and decisions to make, so moved on down the mall. As a result, you will be receiving the following. Trust you will find something to your liking.

Your Secret Santa wishes you an early MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Posted by LV at 8:44 AM 19 comments
Labels: Funday
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Blue Monday
Pick your mode of travel, hop aboard, fly over to visit Smiling Sally. She is always home on Blue Monday at
Posted by LV at 8:28 PM 23 comments
Labels: Blue Monday
Friday, November 26, 2010
Pink Saturday
Beverly has made Pink Saturday one of the easiest blogs to do on a weekly basis for a long time. I never could understand how she did it each week. Besides all she did to make Pink Saturday run smoothly, she has a job as well. Today, Pink Saturday is getting a makeover. Be sure to stop by and see what is new.
If you are looking for an interesting new blog to follow, join Debby at She has a nice blog where she is dedicated to learning to become a great photographer. She wants to work and grow in this field. She invites you to visit and critique her work. Besides all that, she has another blog as well, http://musingsfromthemoment.

Posted by LV at 8:48 PM 30 comments
Labels: pink Sat.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Sky Watch Friday
Sky Watch Friday is reserved for seeing some of the most beautiful sights from around the world.In my part of this vast world. it is the day after a holiday for us, Thanksgiving. Here the Friday after Thanksgiving is called BLACK Friday. People get up in the dark of night to go shopping to get a little bargain. Even the clouds in my pictures today got in on the act and turned dark.
Posted by LV at 6:24 PM 12 comments
Labels: skywatch friday
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thanksgiving Thursday
Two special events occur today. It is Thanksgiving with Colordolady at and her Vintage Thingies Thursday.
Today is a special day set aside for a wonderful meal and giving thanks. We all need to take the time and give thanks for our many blessings. Some of the things I am most thankful are:
- still self-sufficient
- my family
- blogging friends
- able to pay my bills

- home cooked meals
- my church family
- Coloradolady for introducing me to the World of Blogging
- wonderful neighbors
- only take one medicine
- good teeth
I am sure this vintage turkey platter has served many a family some good eating.

Posted by LV at 5:50 PM 28 comments
Labels: VTT
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Outdoor Wednesday
The "Acorn Sisters" dropping by for Outdoor Wednesday. Susan, at http://a, is letting them join us today.
Posted by LV at 5:37 PM 30 comments
Labels: outdoor Wed.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Blue Monday
Since this is Thanksgiving week, I am using a touch of it for Blue Monday. I am sure Sally at is working hard preparing for her big meal.

May your cup be running over with many blessings this Thanksgiving week.

Posted by LV at 8:24 PM 37 comments
Labels: Blue Monday
Friday, November 19, 2010
Pink Saturday
Happy Pink Saturday to all the participates. Beverly at goes to a lot of work to make this day so special. For some of the best pinks anywhere, drop by for a visit.
I found this pretty little planter out on one of my browsing days. I liked it right off. One thing it has pink roses and trim.

For a real adventure, you need to drop by She lives in Montana, but travels the world over. She has just recently been to Fairbanks, Alaska, and had a real experience. Trust me you will enjoy some of her adventures.

Posted by LV at 8:11 PM 41 comments
Labels: pink Sat.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sky Watch Friday
Whatever your mood today, I am sure you will find something to your liking on Sky Watch Friday.
Posted by LV at 6:11 PM 19 comments
Labels: skywatch friday
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Life in a Suitcase
My feature for Vintage Thingie Thursday with Coloradolady at will be more words than pictures. Also, it is a little longer than I normally do.
This true story was written January 16, 1948. It was a class assignment for a young girl a Junior in high school. The original copy of this story is in this suitcase along with MANY MANY more things of her life from the first grade until today. In her own words, "literally, my entire life is in this suitcase". She made an "A" on this assignment.
I know nothing concerning the background of my ancestors and very little about my grandparents. My father's parents came from Georgia into Cass County in the year of 1881. They lived at their home near Douglassville, Texas until death took them. My mother's parents came from Tennessee in the year of 1890. They are now residing in their home at Leary, Texas, near Texarkana.
I was born Thursday morning, July 2, 1931. I weighed ten pounds at birth. When I was six months old, I weighed 20 pounds. My mother said I was the prettiest little baby she had ever seen. She said I had long, black hair. One of my aunts combed it one hour after I was born.
When I was about twelve months old, I spoke my first word.which were "daddy" and "mama". I was about fourteen months old before I could walk. My mother thought I was never going to walk or talk.
When I was just a little baby an up until I was four years old, I had "fits". Mother said when I got hurt or mad I would cry, and lose my breath. She said I would get limber and look as if I were dead. Mother would give me anything to keep me from crying. In a way I wish I still had those "fits".
I had a narrow escape from death when I was about three ears old. I ate some boiled corn that was too hard, and I nearly died before Mother could get me to a doctor.
I started to school at the age of six, attended school at Leary, Texas. I cried when I had to start to school. I wanted to stay home with my mother. I always was and still am a "mama" girl. Starting to school was not too bad for I had my sister and aunt to help me get settled.
I spent most of my grammar school days going to different schools. But of all the different schools that I have attended. I like Atlanta the best. When I started to school here, I had real long hair, and I wore it in pigtails.
Everyone thought I was very pretty. One day I came to school without my pigtails. Everyone wanted to know why I had cut my hair. My teacher said she would always remember me with my pigtails. I still have the hair I cut off and braided into a pigtail.

When I had my hair cut, a funny feeling came over me and I nearly cried. But I have not regretted having cut it for nearly everyone told me it made me look lots better.
One summer during vacation I visited my grandmother. My uncle, sister, cousin and myself went riding in a little cart. We were riding over country roads, and the horse was running. Suddenly he ran through a mud puddle, slipped down and over turned the cart. They all got out with just a few bruises and scratches. I got hurt very bad. The horse kicked me on the foot, and I thought for awhile it was broken. It was only bruised very bad. We haven't told our parents about that accident to this day.
The night I graduated from grammar school to high school I got my first evening dress. I was a thrilled and excited girl. At last I was really in high school, but I could hardly believe it was true. It still only seems like yesterday that I was just starting to school. I cannot remember very much that happened in my freshman year. It was during that year I joined the band. I had more fun being in the band, than I have have doing anything else. I get to go on trips, and see and do things that I did not get to do before I joined the band.
Nothing very exiting happened in my sophomore year. It was that year that I was neither absent nor tardy a single day. The night the Seniors got their diplomas, I was called to the stage. I received a certificate for not being absent or tardy. I was really thrilled. I was, along with the other sophomore girls, a waitress at the Junior-Senior banquet last year. We had to be dressed like Mexican senoritas. My best girl friend and I were dressed alike. Everyone complimented us. They said we looked very pretty. I really enjoyed being a waitress. It will be a time of my life I will never forget. This year I will get to go to the banquet without being a waitress. I know it will be lots more fun.
This year (Junior year) I have enjoyed coming to school more than any other year. I am taking subjects that I like this year, except plain geometry. I hate that stuff. The subject I like most is typing. One reason I like typing is because I would like to be a typist or a stenographer when I finish school. I can already get thirty-five words a minute, and I may enter the Intercollegiate Typing contest in the spring. Some of the students have so much trouble with typing, but I think it is simple.
My best girl friend and I are thinking about joining the Wave Corps when we finish school. We are having some trouble with our mothers though. If there is another war, I will join the Waves for sure. I h ope I will not have to join during war time. Wars seem so cruel to me. I lost an uncle and a cousin in this last war. If there is another one, it might be my husband or sweetheart, instead of uncle or cousin. Wars are cruel, but I guess there will always be wars.
What I will do when I finish school is too far in the future. But the above things are some things I would like to do. I may marry and not even have a business career. If and when I do marry, I would like to have two children. I would like a boy and a girl. But that is far in the future too.
The best thing for me to do is to just wait and see what the future holds for me.

An example of the contents are these grade school report cards.

Outcome of her dream future:
She went to a Business College and excelled in typing and steno work.
Has a boy and a girl.
Posted by LV at 5:48 PM 37 comments
Labels: VTT
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Another great REDnesday with Sue at http://suelovescherries.blogspot. Red is such a vibrate color and hopefully will brighten your day.

Posted by LV at 6:50 PM 29 comments
Labels: red Wed.