Today on Pink Saturday, we are celebrating an achievement for me that has been a struggle at times. However, the blessings and pleasures have been worth it all. My three years at blogging fell on Beverly's Pink Saturday, combining the two. Since pinks are scarce on my post, go to for some of the best.

On April 28, 2009, I was introduced to Mr.Blog by Coloradolady. Blog and I courted awhile trying to learn more about each other. We decided we could make it work and got hitched. It has been frustrating with a lot of mistakes, ups and downs along the way. In spite of it all, today we are celebrating our three year anniversary. There have been times I wanted to run Blog off when he makes changes or updates things without telling me. Even though our three years have not been perfect, the good out weighs the bad.
We had 649 friends following along with us until Blog acted up again and we lost some of them. Blog said he did not do it. It was Google that took away our followers. I am not sure who the culprit was, but I was not happy about it.
We have manged to share 810 highlights from our life. During the three years, we have had 50,781 visitors from all over the world.
The very best thing that has come from our relationship, is the meeting and getting to know so many great people. I never realized how quickly you can reach someone completely across the world in just the touch of a button. It has been an amazing experience for me. You have all blessed me tremendously over these three years with all your support. I am at a loss to the right words to show my appreciation to all my blogging friends. I am excited to see what the next few years will bring. Thanks to all of you for helping me and Blog stick it out.

I am sorry to say, after Blog's latest stunt, a divorce is possible in the future. In fact, this will be the last post for a few days or FOREVER. Blog is forcing the change or else. If I fail in this endeavor(and I will without help), then my blogging days are over. In case that happens, I want you all to know blogging has been such a joy for me and making so many great friends. Blogging put a new lease on life far me, kept my mind active and learned so much. It is very hard far old dog to learn new tricks. Thanks to all of you far making my life so much better during these three years.