Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

I am excited that Sky Watch Friday is here again. No where else can you see such world beauty.



ItaJeff said...

Lovely shot
Happy skywatching

Sylvia K said...

Great shot! And thanks for stopping by my blog. I was born and raised in Texas, so it's always fun to hear from someone there! Have a lovely weekend!

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Some people see the wires as intrusive in the landscape.

I see them as a highway for squirrels to get across the road safely, a perch for tired birds, and the threads that connect us and weave us together!

Dewdrop said...

Have a great SWF!

Gennasus said...

Where would we be without those wires?!

Anonymous said...

There will always be wires connecting our lives...GReat shot.

Patsy said...

This Texas heat is getting to you too, I see.

Pearl Maple said...

Fun photo for Sky Watch Friday. Thanks for adding your view of the sky, the more the merrier. You do have some fun things going on in your blog space.

George said...

We have a lot of those lines across our skies here in Tennessee as well! It certainly is a pretty sky.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That's pretty clever. I think how many times have I not taken a sky picture because of the wires and you turn the table and make pictures a feature of the shot.
I love your profile to. The "I do what I want when I want."

Coloradolady said...

First thing I thought of was you had taken a picture of a squirrel on the line, you can not imagine how long I looked at this picture trying to find a squirrel that was not really is hot here in Texas is it not???

Anonymous said...

HA! Happy sky watching!

SmilingSally said...

I love blue skies!

CC said...

Nothing like beautiful blue skies..
Hope you have a gorgeous weekend..

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Nice photo. My first visit here and can I just say "go you"! I love that you are 79 and have a blog, that is just awesome.

Also, that first painting in the post below reminds me some of the Campbell's soup kids - don't know who did their artwork but it might me worth checking out.

Have a great weekend!