Thursday, March 5, 2015

Good Fences

Another "stay in" day in Texas.  Maybe if we go see TexWisGirl there will be some warm fences. Check them out

It was not the fence that caught my eye, but the sad looking tree.  Looks kinda the way I feel a lot mornings.  Droopy and get-up-and-go gone.

It appears the dog and sheep trying to figure out how they wound up on the wrong side of the fence.


Michelle said...

That is a sad looking tree!

eileeninmd said...

I like the dog and the sheep, cute capture.. Have a happy day!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That reminds me of the little calves I have seen stuck on the wrong side of the fence out here in the country. They bellow and carry on till someone comes along and helps them back over to the right side. Have a great day! Stay warm.

Unknown said...

I like all your pictures, but
my favourite is the last one -
it's so funny :))
Have a beautiful day

A Colorful World said...

A very droopy tree, indeed. I wonder if the dog figured out how to get the sheep back to the other side!

TexWisGirl said...

uh oh. got some roamers! glad the dog is sticking with them. :)

George said...

That sad-looking tree looks like a lot of the trees around here after our ice storm.

Anonymous said...

Cute capture of #2. Excellent for sure.

bj said...

I feel a little like the tree this morning...wanting to go back to bed but need to go into town. *heavy sigh

21 Wits said...

Very cute, I believe they are wondering exactly that!

Shug said...

That poor tree needs to be trimmed...Great capture of the dog and the sheep... The sun is shining in East Texas right now...hope it stays a while...

Ida said...

That tree does look a bit droopy behind the fence but it has great character. Love the dog and the sheep. Hope they find their way back behind the fence.

barbara l. hale said...

Poor tree! I got a laugh out of the sheep and dog pic.

Ginny Hartzler said...

That poor tree looks like a giant crab!!

Paula said...

We have some sunshine here in south Texas today. Sure is a blessing after so many straight days of messy. cute entry.

ellen b said...

Great shots! That is a sad looking tree. I wish I could send you some of our Spring weather but then I'd probably flub it up and send you our rain and gloom, too. My brother sent me a photo of their Dallas Snowman today!

Celestina Marie said...

Interesting tree! Looks like the dog is doing his job to bring the sheep back to the right side.
Great photo.
Hugs, CM

Nancy said...

Good dog looking after those sheep! Great shots.

Nancy said...
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Nancy said...
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Lois said...

Poor tree! I always like seeing sheep.

Adam said...

I kind of wonder how my dog would react to animals like sheep. I know she would bark, but she barks at everything.

She used to love everything, but I've seen a strange mean side of her when another dog saw her on the other side of fence, and a very mean growl when ducks walked by us in the park.

Annesphamily said...

That pathetic ole tree! It looks miserable. We had a cottonwood and it was miserable for those of us with allergies. It died a painfully expensive death because we had to have it removed! I wonder what people think when they plant trees nearly on top of each other in a small yard? I love trees in the wilderness. You always share wonderful photos. Have a great day and I finally made it to TexWisGirl's fences today! HUgs, Anne

NanaDiana said...

I love that picture of the dog on one side and the sheep on the other. That is a cute picture...and yes...that is a sad looking tree. xo Diana

Indrani said...

The tree needs care.
Friendly sheep and dog.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Sad tree but good fences.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

It looks like the dog is seeking aid from his humans to get those sheep on the other side of the fence. i to feel like that tree when i first wake up

Debbie said...

i'll bet those trees will be beautiful in spring!!!!

Leovi said...

Impressive that tree fallen branches !!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest LV,
Guess with trees it is no different than with people; some really look awfully down and depressed!
Love the sheep with sheepdog photo.

Edna B said...

What a great photo. I hope someone found them soon and put them back on the right path to the other side of the fence.

The weather here in FLA is wonderful. such a great treat after the snow and cold back home. Pogo and I have one more week to enjoy it.

You have a super weekend. Hugs, Edna B.

Pauline said...

That tree is past its best but you can see that it must once have been a beauty. I smiled at the other shot, the dog is staying close but I bet it is wondering what its meant to do now.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Poor old tree - sometimes they're just beyond saving. The dog and sheep are funny -- that's exactly how they look, just what you said!

Did you get snow?