After a few days off for workers and good times, it is time to get back to looking for Good Fences. I am sure many can be found at Drop by and say hello to our hostess, Theresa.
This really was an eye catcher. It is in our neighborhood. No ranches to be found. Perhaps working on their dream.

Hello, LV! Great fence finds. The Almost Ranch people must still be working on their dream.
Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
Love the Almosta Ranch!
Hope you are having a great week!
Oh yes, I like that last one.
Not a bad dream to have!
clever name! like it a lot. :) i like the dark and light colors on the first fence, too.
Love that name. The first fence is very nice. Have a great day LV
We all need an umbrella to get under this week! Love the name of that ranch too! Enjoy your day sweet lady. Hugs, Diane
Almosta Ranch - too funny.
I love that bright umbrella popping up over the fence!
I love the almost a ranch, maybe in their fantasy life it is a ranch, and maybe they really want one. i always wanted one but now am to old to be a rancher.. i like the umbrella gate to
I laugh at the sign Almosta Ranch. Were the people confused!!!
That sort fences or gates we haven't here. So I love it! Thank you for your kind comment on my blog!
Like both of yours today.
Wonderful fence photos!
Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^
That Almosta Ranch fence made me laugh. Nice fence choices.
funny name
it is good to have something to dream of :) Nice find!
My folks had only an acre of land, no ranch either, but they both called it the 'back 40 acre ranch'. LOL
great finds LV
hehehe, such a cute name and a very pretty entrance!! looks like maybe a pool behind the first fence!!!
Almosta Ranch . . that's really cute!
It's Almosta weekend already!
Nice pics, LV!
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