Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Outdoor Wednesday

Some great Outdoor Shots can be found each Wednesday at
http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com. Our hostess for this special day is Susan and she would love having
you drop by.
Texas is going through some of the strongest and cold winds this week.  Trust it is a better day wherever you might be.

Wondering what happened to the family.  It could have been blown away as well.
This is one of many sights you can see around here from the very high wind.  Paper of all kinds blown in some of the strangest places.

A  very prickly Texas cactus.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE the roadrunner! I guess they are specific to your state?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi LV, You have had winds and we have had snow.... Where is SPRING????? I'm ready for some sunshine and warmer temps..... Hope they come soon!!! Hope your winds calm down also...

Love seeing the Roadrunner... I saw one when we went to Mt. Nebo this year. SO excited!!!

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...


Interesting photos! Is this a woodpecker bird?

It's Spring here in T.O. Beautiful days!


Jan n Jer said...

Looks like everyone everywhere is just holding on for spring to get here! Winds can do so much damage and put a chill in your bones! Love the roadrunner.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I miss those crazy guys, the roadrunners! We are having a cooler than usual March here in SW Florida -- windy..but probably not as strong as yours.

Karen said...

Quite weird weather around the world. Love that roadrunner!

George said...

We're having cold winds here in Tennessee as well, so I hope they've left Texas. You got a great picture of the roadrunner.