Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday

Susan, A Southern Daydreamer, is hosting the last Outdoor Wednesday before the special Thanksgiving day. Enjoy your day with her and your family.

Even nature knew it was time for Thanksgiving colors as these trees reflect.

Even the pretty orange butterfly came to share this occasions with us.

On the eve of Thanksgiving, have you ever tried to list from A-to-Z all the things you are thankful for? It is not as easy as you might think. This week at my great grandson's school, the teacher ask them to list seven things they were thankful for. He is five, and this was his list:
1. Mama
2. Daddy
3. God
4. MEME (that's me)
5. Bible
6. Swing
7. Lightsaber

This really, really touched my old heart when he put me in fourth place on his list. We need material things to survive, but there is nothing like the love of a child. I am very blessed and so thankful. May your Thanksgiving day be sunny and bright, and filled with many wonderful blessings.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Isn't that sweet, LV??? Having your grandchild put you on his or her list of things they are thankful for has to be the best Thanksgiving gift a grandmother could ever want...

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are going hiking for a few days---after eating all of that turkey on Thurs. We'll definitely need the exercise. ha.....


Heidi said...

How very touching and sweet. Lucky you - sounds like you have a wonderful little grandson!
Hope your Thankgiving is filled with love.
Heidi - Heart and Home

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Precious list by your great-grandson. You must be very dear to him! Beautiful autumn colors in the pictures! Thanksgiving blessings to you and your family!

Kindly, ldh

Light and Voices said...

I betcha your heart took a little leap when your great grandchild put you on the list of things he is thankful for. You have been so honored. Happy Thanksgiving!
Joyce M

Unknown said...

gorgeous colors!

Maggie said...

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family & especially your darling grandson.

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Hooray, LV, you are #4 on the list and WAY ahead of the lightsaber!!!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Love those pictures, especially the loaded-down pyracantha...used to make jelly from them...

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

That is so sweet. Don't they just melt your heart. Your little great grandson really loves you.
What more can you ask for.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Kat said...

What a sweet post, your grandson sounds like a wonderful little boy. Your pictures of autumn color are beautiful, especially the butterfly shot. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Kathy

bj said...

Our most thankful things always include LOVE..God's love, the love of children and grandchildren, friends love...Love IS what makes the world go round!!
My post is about grands, too...:O)
Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.
xo bj

storyteller said...

You're so right ... family and friends matter most don't they and how wonderful that your great-grandson knows this already. Lovely Fall color! I'm celebrating my 1st Blogoversary at Happily Retired Gal and sharing photos of Molly at Dog Beach at Small Reflections. Happy Thanksgiving ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Maelka said...

Lovely and colourful photos. Your writing was also very touching. We don´t celebrate Thanksgiving here in Finland, but I like to wish you and your family Happy Thanksgiving!

GwendolynKay said...

Awww... your grandson has his priorities in order at such a young age. What a blessing!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Love those shots but the story about your grandson is so precious...
Happy Turkey Day!!!

My name is Riet said...

HOw lovely that is, you being on 4th place on his list. And I of curse must say that your photo's are beautiful again today. Happy Thanksgiving

Anonymous said...

What a sweet list! Your grandson is very dear.

Maria Berg said...

but there is nothing like the love of a child
I agree totally!

What is the last thing on the list?

Anonymous said...

That is just precious and I especially loved the Lightsabre at the end - I got them for my Grandsons and know how much the kids love them.

Jeanne said...

The A-Z list sounds interesting. Happy Thanksgiving!

eileeninmd said...

That is so sweet, a nice story about your grandson. Your photos are great.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely child. You must play a very special role in his life. The photo of that tree is stunning. Such wonderful fall color. Have a great Thanksgiving Day,