After surviving the hottest day ever here(107) and heat index much worse, ready for a cool Blue Monday. Jeannie will have a variety of cool blues at
One of many beautiful golf courses in the area.
Since everything in Texas is bigger, even the heavens opened open for us.

The clouds look like they are opening to form a star!! Do you see it? And I thought it was hot HERE!!!
really happy for the rain we got friday night and sprinkles this morning!
Looks like a gorgeous day.
I don't know how they can stand to play golf in the Texas heat. It's sweltering, but this week looks like we get a break. I like the picture of the golf course though and I really like the picture of the clouds opening. Have a lovely day.
That cloud shot is spectacular.I do hope you get cooler weather soon.
That is a heavenly opening, yes God was accommodating that day.
Nice golf course photo & that cloud formation looks incredible, great shot
Hello dear LV, The heat is overwhelming in Texas. Don't go outside. We have had a lot of rain and high humidity. Yuck. However, the temps are in the low to mid 80's. We had perfect weather for the whole two weeks we were on vacation. Especially when we were on the boat for 4 days. I am happy to be home though. Bill stayed home to watch our dog and my sister's cute pup. He missed us. HA!
The golf course is lovely and the heat doesn't seem to hurt the greens. The sky photo is awesome. You don't see that every day.
Hope you have cooler weather soon.
Love, Jeanne
Really cool photo of the sky and clouds.
We used to live in Florida, and I loved the heat. Now, though, I'm pretty much a wimp. Anything over 80 isn't very welcome. I can't imagine how I would survive in your 107! I guess I would be living in the pool or in the air conditioning.
Dearest LV.,
Lovely cloud photo!
Hope that we got all the very hot days behind us now.
Funny, we all long for spring and summer and than complain about the heat.
Soon the year will start winding down again...
My goodness LV, that is hot! I am sweltering here though I am not sure what our temperature is. Not as hot as yours that's for sure. Loved the photos, very pretty!
My first thought was the sky inside the cloud looked like a dove! I'm back down in the heat and yes the blues are cooling! Nice to visit you again.
Blue is a cooling color! We are going to have over 100 temps this weekend -- so unusual for this part of the country (we're in Oregon now and nobody is used to heat like this)
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