
Hello blogging friends. This is your special invitation to my 81st birthday party. No presents please, your comment is the best present of all.

For easier reading, I am listing the things shown on the above image that happened in 1929 besides me being born.
1. Seeing eye dog organization formed.
2. First academy awards are announced.
3. New York stock market crashed.
4. First public demonstration of color TV.
5. Comic book character, TinTin is created by Herge.
6. Edwin Hubble discovers the universe is expanding.

Three months old - November 1929.

I was told that mother cried when she saw me at birth. She probably was expecting a prettier baby. Since I was the first, I am sure she was looking for the perfect one. Over the years, I have been asked numerous times where my name came from. I was never interested enough when younger to ask. I assumed I came into the world screaming, and she named me (the voice)LaVoice. There are a lot of things I would like to know, but I waited too late to ask.

After a short trip back in time, each of you pick a cake and celebrate.


Congratulations! Wishing you many more birthdays to come. I hope you had a wonderful day doing it your way.
Well I wish you a very happy B-Day and I hope you have a big ole something with icing to celebrate!
God bless you and Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday you young thing you! You were just adorable as a baby! I know how many questions I wish I had asked my own mother. Life passes quickly. Enjoy your day sweet lady! Anne
♫♪♫♪♫Happy Birthday♫♪♫♪♫ I think your name is very interesting and unique. It is so terrific you write a blog and share your memories and life with us. Big hugs♥olive
Happy Birthday.WOW! You have the right to celebrate this day in any way you want.Enjoy.
Happy Birthday my dear friend.. How wonderful to have such wonderful momentos from childhood!
God has blessed you , you do not look anyhwere near 81 - please share your secrets for such youthfullness. Many hugs to you!!!
Happy birthday, precious one. I love your blog and can't wait to see what you come up with each time! I hope you have many, many more! Love, Sandi
Happy Birthday Dear LaVoyce... I hope that I'm as healthy as you are when I'm 81--and I hope I am still blogging.... I'm so proud of you!!!!
God Bless You----and a very Happy YOU.
Hugs and Loads of Love,
You are the classic vintage from that era and I love that you were born when so many things were just getting started. I can only hope that I live as long as you and can celebrate with my family and friends across the blogging internet or whatever else they have come that time.
You are so wise and have long become a personal mentor of sorts to me through so many of my own personal struggles. You are a true lady in every sense of the word and I wish you many, many birthday blessings on your very special day!
Happy 21st birthday! With 60 years of experience~
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Have a VERY happy birthday, LaVoice!!
Happy Birthday, LV! Any many, many more! I loved seeing what was going on in 1929...was surprised to see that there was color TV in 1929!
Happy Birthday!! I hope it turns out just the way you want it to.
Ladybug Creek
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the party invite. I am more than happy to leave you a special wish...for many more wonderful tears of sharing here with your Blog Friends.
Becky K.
Happy Birthday! What a sweet blog you have, enjoyed looking around.
Dear LV,
Wishing you the loveliest 81st birthday, filled with all the people and things you love and lots of cake!
Happy happy birthday!
OMGosh Girlfriend HAppY BiRtHdAy !!!!
I must send you off a card in the good old snail~mail,,,even if it is late..
Blessings and BIG Huggggggs Dena
And thanks so much for the note you left me about my Charlie card at Art Cards.... May you have soooo many many more HappY Healthy Birthdays.
We always say it that way..
Happy Birthday, LaVoice. Thanks for sharing your special day with us. I hope you have many more birthdays to come.
♪♫ Happy Birthday to you ♫♪
♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫
♪♫ Happy Birthday Dear LV ♫♪
♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫
Wishing you a delightful Birthday and many more!
☼ Sunny
O, darlin' LV...something just told me to come over for a visit tonight and I am so glad I did.
HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY, dear one. O how I hope I am as up-to-date as you when I turn 81. You do so well with your computer and I am very impressed. You seem to have such a zest for life and that is a blessing.
I loved reading things that happened in 1929. I came along a little later..1937 so I'll be 73 next New Year's Eve. Wish we lived close enuf to celebrate together..:))
Like you, there's so many things I'd like to ask my mother and dad...but waaay too late.
May God bless....
xo bj
Oh my!
I am wishing you the best of everything today!
what a beautiful name!
Happy Birthday,and many many more to come!
Happy, Happy Birthday Dear LV. I wish you much love and many happiness. You're such a vibrant person. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures and memories with us.
Hugs...Tracy :)
Lovely post, and have a wonderful birthday, and many many more.
Hugs and Blessings.
Happy Birthday - hope it was a good one!! Wish we could all be there to celebrate with you.
There are so many questions I wished I had asked my mother when she was here but I didn't really become interested until I was older and then it was too late.
Blessings to you,
Happy Birthday and much love from NY! You inspire us and I am sure you were a beautiful baby! Enjoy your special day.
Happy Belated Birthday LV! I hope you had a wonderful day, doing things that you enjoy!
Oh LV you beautiful lady! Happy Birthday darling!!!!
A very happy birthday to you! I hope you have a wonderful celebration of it!
Happy Birthday to you LV. You look great, and here's to many more.
Happy 81st Birthday LV !Thanks so much for including all Your blogging friends in your celebration!
Have a Great Day !
Happy Birthday!! I called you this morning..but no answer....guess you started early on the celebration!!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·`¤
Happy Birthday!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·`¤
May God bless you with many more!
Howdy LV
Happy Birthday sweetie !
I wish you all the wishes come true that your heart can hold .
May you have many happy memories to carry you through the coming year until your next birthday remember you are loved very much.
Happy Birthday to the best 21 year young blogging gal around .
Big hugs with blessings.
Until Next time
Happy Trails
Please forgive me for missing your birthday!!!!! I hope you had a wonderful day with many more to come. Your post was always!
I'm sorry I missed Your Birthday. but now I have written it up!
I think you should be proud, your name is very beautiful
I have now tasted a piece of your cake.Thank you so much and Happy
birthday from
Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a great day.
Happy Birthday a day late! I hope you are having a month of celebration, at least!
Congratulations on your 81st birthday. I hope you enjoyed your special day very much. It would of been my moms 81st strange you two were born on the same day and year.
We lost her over two years ago to a stroke
I came over from Lady Patriot to wish you a very Happy Birthday
Many blessings for a wonderful birthday year and many more!
Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day.
Oh my gosh!!! Happy Belated Birthday. We're connected you son was born on August 25th! I'm scanning my slides from 45 years of marriage and did a little slide show for his 38th birthday. Shoot - you two could have partied together. lol Where do you live? I'm in Pflugerville by Austin and we have a space at The Antique Gallery in Round Rock. xo Nancy
PS - Love your name LaVoice!
Dear LV,
You are a beautiful lady.
Happy Birthday.
May you have many, many more.
Happy Birthday Sis, enjoyed our outing together---i always look forward to them so much. Hope we have many, many more together. I love you bunches!
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