One of the best ways to spend a Thursday is visiting Coloradolady. If you like vintage things, this is the place to be. Check it out at is my Aunt Beulah and Uncle Creston that was in our local newspaper 2-13-1977. He was 80 years old and still plowing.
"Creston Hill has seen a lot in his eighty years. He's seen mankind go from making his living from the earth to making a living off of other people; but it hasn't changed him a bit!
Hill. who turned 80 this week, still plows his 40 acres the same way he did 35 years ago, raising a little corn, some potatoes, tomatoes, and other vegetable; "just enough to feed the family," as he terms it.
His family includes his wife of 60 years, three children, six grandchildren, "a few cows" and his 38 year old mule, which Hill has raised and used for plowing since it was born in 1939.
They make their own butter cause they do not like the "store bought kind", and used to fish a lot" but now spends most of his time in his garden. He said if he ever got sick and had to stay in the house, he'd "just give up".
Hill. who turned 80 this week, still plows his 40 acres the same way he did 35 years ago, raising a little corn, some potatoes, tomatoes, and other vegetable; "just enough to feed the family," as he terms it.
His family includes his wife of 60 years, three children, six grandchildren, "a few cows" and his 38 year old mule, which Hill has raised and used for plowing since it was born in 1939.
They make their own butter cause they do not like the "store bought kind", and used to fish a lot" but now spends most of his time in his garden. He said if he ever got sick and had to stay in the house, he'd "just give up".
As he turned to walk back toward his garden, he just smiled and said, "you're as young as you feel."
I hope you enjoyed a bit of history on part of my family. They were dear people with a home you love to visit.

What very wonderful memories.
Those were days when family meant everything. Values we could use more of today.
Wonderful memories, and fascinating, too!
What great pictures! Oh, you didn't say how much more longer the mule lived? I think it was all the outdoor work that kept them so fit. Farmers are really healthy. Wish I could have tasted that butter!
What wonderful memories! Aren't we thankful for our old photos! I treasure mine, too! ♥
I love reading about the special people in our friends life. Great pictures
What a lovely family! It's so nice they were blessed with such long lives and appreciated the value of hard work...something we should all be aware of.
hi maam.i really appreciated your post..
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Thank you for sharing this wonderful article about your Aunt and Uncle. It sounds as if they had a very healthy, happy life.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful family story with us this week. Loved the part about "You are as young as you feel!" This is so true.
Thank you for the sweet post. I had horses and a mule when I was young and you never forget those adventures. Best wishes.
Great photos and lovely memories, I'm so glad you shared them. I would never have guessed that mules live so long!
I just love them. Reminds me of my great uncle Charlie and great aunt Palos. Dairy farmers they were and raised a few hogs for the freezer and did a wonderful garden. Uncle Charlie used 2 big old black morgans to plow with. Never had a horse trailer, he would just tell them to hop up in the back of the grain truck and off they would go.
They just don't make them like that anymore, do they?
Thanks for sharing your family- Tete
oH, what a wonderful post. I love that old photo.
Oh, how I miss all my aunts and uncles. We had such a large family at one time. Now they are all gone but a few cousins. No more aunts and uncles alive. :(
Plezzzzzzzzz give me your beer biscuit recipe. They sound sooo good. I am out of the little beers but I'll buy another round just to make those biscuits. :))
hugs, bj
How lucky they all lived to the ages they did! And it's probably all that farm living that keeps Creston going!
What dear, sweet, hard-working people! They look so much like my own family in all the old photos, Mammaw in the kitchen and the garden (she plowed her BIG garden with just a little hand-push plow), and other relatives in other outdoor chores and sheer labor.
I love that you shared them, and I'm so glad you had them for so many years---what a blessing.
Thank you for sharing a little bit about your family LV. How wonderful that they were so productive in their senior years.
Oh LV, What a neat story... That's the kind of stories I love to read... What a neat couple --who worked hard all of their lives... Young people these days don't know about working hard like your Aunt and Uncle did.
Thanks for sharing... LOVE it.
That's awesome. My grandparents lived to their 90's. Makes me think old fashioned hard work, and fresh veggies has a lot to do with a long life.
wonderful post. how i wish i have pictures of my oldies. :-)
What wonderful memories and a charming glimpse into your family history! I often think we should turn back to that earlier time - those folks surely had the right idea about life. Wouldn't it be great to have all of our modern conveniences with old-time values?
So sweet to see family photos. We all need to go back a bit and think like Uncle Creston and aunt Beulah. Thanks so much for letting us meet them.
My mom's name was Beulah!
What wonderful old shots! Lovely.
What an interesting story. I have to agree with your uncle - being confined to the house is not good for the soul.
I loved this post! I came over to visit from Ginny's and so happy I did. I love nostalgia and the "old days". Thanks for sharing!!
Hi LV,
What a wonderful post! I enjoyed reading about your uncle and aunt. This would fit in perfectly with Sepia Saturday too.
God bless,
That's so nice to read, and what a wonderful memory for you. Love the vintage photos!
Pictures are the best treasures for sure-enjoyed learning about them!
What a beautiful post for today. They look like the sweetest couple. I love all your family photos and history, makes me feel like I knew them.
Thanks for coming by, I love your comments.
I enjoyed your family pictures...reminded me of my grandma and times gone by. I'm glad I found your blog!
What a great post, and family history. I love the newspaper article, I think I have seen that before, but still love it. Happy VTT!
What amazing people. Your memories I am sure are precious to you. Thanks for the story and the pictures. I love personal stories like this. ~~Sherry~~
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