Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Vintage Thingies Thursday

As all of you know today is Vintage Thingies Thursday. Our hostess for this vintage day is Coloradolady. However, I am using it today for a twofold purpose.

This is a vintage medicine measuring glass. On one side it measures l oz to 3cc. The other side measures 2 tablespoons to 8 teaspoons. I am not sure when these were discontinued and paper throw away replaced them.

On the bottom of the glass is American, 14 45, Hospital Supply Corp.

These are vintage Frigidaire 1950's colorful wall decorations or spoon rest finished in porcelain. On the back is imprinted the "Pot Rooster". These were giveaways when you purchased a Frigidaire product.

I want to take this time to let you know, Friday will be my 100th post for this year. I chose to acknowledge it today on Coloradolady's day because if it had not been for her I would not be blogging. She set it up and just informed me to get with it. I am sure there have been many times, she has regretted it. I get myself into blog trouble real often. She, along with some of you, have been a tremendous help to me in making this possible. I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would make it to a 100th post. It has been fun, and feel as though I have made so many new friends. Without all of your comments and support, I would not have survived. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Donna said...

Nice blog. we were still using the glass med cups in the early 70's at our hospital...

★Carol★ said...

Early congrats on your 100th post, LV! It sure flies by fast, doesn't it? I think I'm only at 74!
That medicine measuring cup is interesting. I wonder what would require taking 8 teaspoons of medicine! And I have one of those rooster wall decorations! Now I just have to figure out where I put it!
Happy VTT!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats LaVoyce on your 100th post. I'm so proud of you. Your posts are always so interesting.

Growing up in Viriginia, my parents had a Frigiaiire frig ---and we had one of those Pet Rooster porcelain spoon rests... Wish I still had it. That is so neat to see that one.

Thanks for a great post.

Unknown said...

Yeah for 100 posts, LaVoice! I love that medicine cup. I can't believe it goes all the way up to 8 Tb. I've never taken more than 2 of any medication.

Postcardy said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. I love those rooster thingies.

Heart2Heart said...


Love that old vintage medicine cup! Oh how something like that would be so handy instead of all the plastic ones that some medicines come with. You can never remember which one goes with which medicine. This would solve that problem.

WOO HOO! 100 posts upcoming, Yeah! Congratulations!!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

^..^Corgidogmama said...

What wonderful items!
Wishing many more happy posts.

SmilingSally said...

Woo Hoo! You made it to the BIG 100th post. Congratulations.

Unknown said...

Keep on bloggin'! The green-blue background color of the spoon rests is wonderful! And congratulations on your 100th post!

Maureen said...

Congratulations on your blog, you 100th post and stepping outside of you comfort zone. My husband won't even turn the computer on. For me it has opened up a whole new world and I love it!

Jocelyn said...

Wow congrats LaVoyce. Blogging is such a fun way to meet so many lovely people from all over the world. What a great adventure it is.


Sandy McClay said...

Ilove premiums from companies! These are very sweet!

marian said...

i love that little medicine cup, much nice than the paper for those porcelain tiles, they're ssoo cute!
100th post now that's exciting!!..btw i love visiting your blog i think it's pretty special!! x

rt said...

Lovely wall decoration!

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Congratulations on reaching 100 posts tomorrow! Quite an accomplishment, I'd say! I love your posts and all the bloggie fun you participate in.

Here's looking forward to THOUSANDS MORE posts from you!

Ulla said...

They ought to start producing the measuring glasses again and reduce waste!
I'll be back tomorrow to see your 100th post.

Old Time Cindy said...

I would like the rooster...just the right color! And congrats on your upcoming 100th post! You do a fantabulous job. My 100th post will be this afternoon. :)
Thanks for sharing!
Living it up at Lakewood,

Unknown said...

Love the things you posted. The medical glasses are terrific but than so are the roosters...I think I must just like vintage :) Happy vtt!

Allison said...

Happy 100th post!
I love the simplicity of your roosters.

RachelD said...

Those charming, stylized roosters!!

And congratulations on tomorrow's 100th!! I look forward to looking back in.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. Isn't it a great feeling that you've done this and people enjoy coming and reading what you put on?
Love your green rooster pics/spoon rests.
Hopefully after this weekend is over (Dad's Memorial) I'll be getting around again and back to Vintage Thingies Thursday. I was just getting started here and love reading everyone's posts.

Coloradolady said...

Yep....I created a monster...a blogging monster!!!

You know I love those roosters....they match my laundry room well...hint....

Have a great Weekend and a wonderful VTT!

Keetha Broyles said...

Congrats on your 100th post in a year!!!

Debbie said...

What fun roosters!

Kathi Fly said...

I've never seen a little medicine cup like that. How interesting. I used those plastic thingies that looked like cigars with my kids. Never really knew if I measured it correctly or not. Oh well, they seem OK. Congrats on the big 100! That's awesome.