Sunday, November 27, 2011

Blue Monday

Can you believe this is the last Blue Monday in November. We have been through a lot of blues awfully fast to me. Sally, at, has been through a lot of bad, blue days. All you Blue Monday participates have been a blessing to her. She is a survivor and getting stronger each day.

Just could not resist taking these pretty blues while out browsing the shops.


Unknown said...

they're pretty! and the bird too :)

have a great week!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Pretty! I wonder if this is what they call cobalt?

SmilingSally said...

Thanks for sharing these beautiful pieces of cobalt blue.

Happy Blue Monday, La Voice.

Dinah said...

Love the bird! and the glasses too :-)


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Oh yes they are so pretty I do like the colour blue

DearHelenHartman said...

Beautiful blues!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, We are home from our trip. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Great BLUES for Blue Monday.


RachelD said...

Love that Milk of Magnesia bottle blue!

Glad to see you're warm and well,


RobinfromCA said...

I've never seen that pitcher and glasses pattern before. You found a really interesting blue to share! The bird also looks like he was happy to pose for you!


Cafe au lait said...

Love your blues!

My Blue and Mellow Yellow Monday.

George said...

I really like your blue pitcher and glasses. It was nice of the bird to pose so nicely for you.

Ruth Hiebert said...

What a fantastic shade of blue,both in the bird and in the jug and glasses.

Unknown said...

Beautiful Blue! Great shot.Thanks for sharing and visiting,JoAnn

Annesphamily said...

Listen lady, I need to come shopping with you! You find such terrific stuff. These blues are awesome! Happy Monday and it is a blue one for sure! Hugs and Love Anne

Chie Wilks said...

that a nice blue set and the dove,it posed for the cam. just great. Sally is a fighter indeed and she has a lot of friends in Blue Monday

hahaha..the angry birds are too angry to be hated hehehe..nice stuffs

hope you could visit mine:
nearly wasted
snug hours
phone shots and frames
my brother

Leah H. said...


Visiting for BM! Hope you can visit me too:)