Friday, November 27, 2009

Pink Saturday

Another beautiful day of pinks. Please drop by Beverly's How Sweet The Sound place for a nice Pink Saturday with her. She is a most gracious hostess and someone you will enjoy visiting.

Recent showers have brought me a blessing of flowers. This rose bush has been truly beautiful lately. It was hard to really capture their actual size and color.

This is a late blooming mum in a nice shade of pink.


Barbara said...

Oh La Voice, The Flowers are beautiful, I had some pink roses until last week, they are all gone now.

Have a great day.....


Ange said...

Now if I had those beautiful roses shining so brightly, I wouldn't need to climb trees to put my Christmas lights up! Take care you too!

Pam said...

The pink roses are beautiful. Pink mums look more like spring than fall. Happy Pink Saturday!

Maia T said...

Beautiful pink flowers and lovely photos. Pink roses are so special but I like mums too.
Great pink post!

Anonymous said...

What LOVELY pink blossoms ;-)
I especially love that first rose photo ... marvelous! Happy Pink Saturday.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Beautiful blessings indeed!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What beautiful blossoms. Your photos are wonderful. I hope you are having a grand Pink Saturday.

Char said...

Oh LaVoice, roses and raindrops, what a wonderful gift from above. The mums are gorgeous as well, Happy Pink Saturday my bloggie friend, Char

SmilingSally said...

Thank God for the showers!

Claudia said...

Stunning roses-- have the best PINK Saturday.

I have just signed up to FOLLOW you and would love if you have a minute stop by and say hi and perhaps Follow me too :)

TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥

Claudia said...

Oh, I miss my roses! I get to enjoy them vicariously through you! Happy Pink Saturday!

CC said...

Oooo, I think they're both beautiful..but those pink mums are just gorgeous. I've not seen them in that soft shade of pink before. Happy Pinks and have a lovely weekend.

Small City Scenes said...

The roses are beautiful--raindrops and all. Perfectly pink!!
Thanks for visiting my blog. MB

Miri said...

Beautiful roses! You're so lucky to have them at this time of year!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful..still making my Happy Pink Saturday rounds!