My family has always been dog and cat people. I used to have one, but no more. The loss is just too much grief. The dogs we had were never bought except one. My late husband paid $5 for one at a flea market It was just a plain dog, but one of the best. Each of the following belong to different family members.
Beagles are a breed of small to medium sized dogs. They are a member of the hound group. It is similar in appearance to the fox hound, but smaller with shorter legs and long soft ears. They have a great sense of smell and tracking instincts. Beagles are intelligent and popular pets because of their size, even temper and lack of inherited health problems.
These dogs are sort legged, long bodied breed belonging to the hound family. They have long drooping ears and come from a German origin. The Dachshund continues to remain one of the top ten dog breeds in the U.S.
Your family DOES have dogs! I find the beagles to have such sweet personalities. I had a dog from the time I was 13 until I got married. You may remember my post about her eating Midol and a double edged razor blade. Did not get a single cut on her mouth and tongue.
I too have paid for a purebred and then got others for free. In my eyes, they all gave me more than I could imagine!...:)JP
i love my pack - all 4 rescued or adopted from the pound. i couldn't imagine life without dogs. i tried and lasted 3 days once.
Dearest LV,
Oh that shows a lot about you and your family!
When we immigrated to the USA I did bring my Mauzie a Dachshund girl with me. She was bought in The Netherlands and she lived here exactly 2 years to the day. We had to put her to sleep because of cancer. Your photo shows one quite like her... Fond memories.
We now only have cats but if I ever will be alone, I will get a big one.
I always got my dogs for nothing. Basically knew someone who's dog had puppies.
Hi There, I love dogs also--and hope to have another one someday (when we quit traveling so much)... I had a Cocker Spaniel for about 15 yrs. She was the love of our lives...
Great 'family' dogs you all have. I love them all.
You have an interesting variety of dogs in your family. We always had farm dogs when I was growing up, and we had a couple of dogs when our children were small, but Betsy and I do too much traveling to have a dog these days.
I know what you mean about the pain of when they die. I have had 2 pugs die in last 3 years and I still cry when I talk to their pictures .
However when I fully retire I'm getting more dogs, now I have a stray cat I have taken in just couldn't stand to see it out in the ice and snow
Thanks Meme for posting a pic of Ella! She has been so much fun!!
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