Monday, October 22, 2018

Blue Monday

Just a little touch of blue will have to do for this week. We have gone through so much rain the past few months,broke all records in our area, could not go blue searching. However, we were blessed today (Sunday) with a sunny, but cool day. No doubt we will find some great blues at


Edna B said...

That stained glass window is gorgeous. Here's hoping no more rain for you for a while. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Adam said...

I always wonder how hard it must be for artists to work with stained glass.

photodoug said...

LV, wonderful stained glass. A Sunday without rain. Perfect. Thanks for sharing.

Stephanie said...

Your blues are simply lovely, LV. LOVE the stained glass.

Have a most beautiful day. Hugs!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Lovely blues in that window. Thanks for linking to Blue Monday!

Anonymous said...

a blue does help us feel a releave

bj said...

Pretty blues...
yes, we have had a lot more rain than normal, I think. It rained all night and all day today and was cold and wind. Was glad I didn't have to get out in it...baked cookies for my freezer...for Christmas gifts for my Bunco groups.

KB said...

Beautiful. Blue is my favourite colour