Friday, November 19, 2010

Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday to all the participates. Beverly at goes to a lot of work to make this day so special. For some of the best pinks anywhere, drop by for a visit.

I found this pretty little planter out on one of my browsing days. I liked it right off. One thing it has pink roses and trim.

Also, some very sweet words are written around it.

LOVE helps to make the world go round.

For a real adventure, you need to drop by She lives in Montana, but travels the world over. She has just recently been to Fairbanks, Alaska, and had a real experience. Trust me you will enjoy some of her adventures.


NanE said...

Hi LV what a very pretty bowl! Is it old, it has a vintage feel to it. Have a great weekend and a wonderful Thanksgiving, blessings, Nan

Ruth Hiebert said...

That's beautiful.
I like anything with roses,especially pink ones.

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

LOVE your flower pot!!

farmlady said...

What a sweet little bowl. I would have my Morning Latte in it.
Amore, amore. It's what makes the world go round....

Unknown said...

G'eve LV ~
I LOVE that sweet little bowl!
Have a beautiful Thanksgiving ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Sarah said...

Love does make the world go round! Lovely pinks.
Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Sarah

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

LV, your little planter is adorable! I love the roses and the Amour on it. Love does indeed make the world go round! Pretty pink rose too. Happy Pink Saturday, sweet lady, and enjoy your weekend.


Tete said...

LV, what a pretty little planter! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and over eat till your seams pop!
Hugs- Tete

Red Nomad OZ said...

It's always a lovely surprise to visit your blog on a colour day and see what you've found!

Happy travels!

Marfi-topia said...

Happy Pink Saturday LV!
what a cute little planter!
you always have the most interesting items!
have a wonderful day :)

Susie Jefferson said...

Hi LV - love your planter! Amour - love sounds so much more romantic when the word is in French. The image fits perfectly.

Happy Pink Saturday, angel.

Bette said...

pretty planter. i like the written words around it. sweet.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi LV, Love the planter --but that last rose in your yard is gorgeous... We still have a few roses trying to bloom since we have had no freeze up here so far this month... BUT--I will miss ours when they are gone.

Have a great Saturday.

Sue McPeak said...

Love the LOVE Planter, LV and the beautiful Pink Rose. I'm so glad you stopped by and found the surprise I posted for you. Everyone one LOVES your Blog and YOU! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving at your Son and DIL's home! Thanks for visiting CollectInTexas Gal so often and Happy Pink Saturday!

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita said...

It is very pretty! I hope that you're "in the pink" and that you have a wonderful weekeend!

Ann said...

What a beautiful little pink planter. Love that it has LOVE on the bottom. Have a pink sweetie day.

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

Happy Pink Saturday LV. What a pretty planter...I love the roses, but what I like most is LOVE written here and there....yes, love does make the world go 'round!

Arabella said...

I love the roses on your bowl - it's beautiful.

Happy Pink Saturday, LV!

E. Charlotte said...

Love your pink planter! The words on the bottom are adorable! :)

Thanks for featuring my blog! You are too sweet! :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful! Happy PS!

viridian said...

Thanks for sharing.
Happy Pink Saturday!

Olive said...

Hi LV, the roses on the bowl are lovely. Happy Pink Saturday! ♥O

GardenOfDaisies said...

Such a pretty pink rose love bowl!! Pink roses are my favorites!

George said...

I also like your little planter. Thank you for a beautiful Pink Saturday. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

Betty said...

Happy Pink Saturday!! Love your pink pot and that rose is so pretty too!

Kit said...

Hello! What a lovely bowl! And it was so nice for you to feature my daughter's blog on your site. She is a very special young lady and she was thrilled. Kit

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of pink day before but I do know people who would love such a day. Thanks for the post. The rose is really beautiful.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a sweet planter!! So very pretty!! HPS!!

Debbie @ Debbie-Dabble Christmas

Donnie said...

That pink bowl is really pretty. Happy Pink Saturday and also Happy Thanksgiving.

very merry vintage style said...

What a pretty, pretty find. Happy Pink Saturday@

JEANNE said...

Oh my gosh, I love that bowl. It is all about pink LOVE. Perfect for today's Pink Saturday.
If I don't get back to you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with loved ones all around you.
Warm hugs, Jeanne

Rebecca said...

Love the planter with the roses on it-anything pink with roses is beautiful!

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

I imagine what will I do if I have a lovely planter like yours. Thank you for visiting me so I can follow you back and enjoy immensely reading your blog. Have a nice day.

Charlotte said...

Beautiful bowl! Hope you are doing well. Sorry I haven't written lately but I have been keeping up with you & the rest of my blogging friends. Thanks for sending me and others to visit echarlotte! With a name like Charlotte she can't be all bad :)

Unknown said...

Such a pretty bowl! I hadn't heard of Pink Thursday but it sounds like fun. Have a great Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

I like your planter, love what it says. Happy Pink Saturday!

Maggie said...

Such pretty pinks, and a delicate flower!

Sorry for the late visit- I think of busy Saturdays as a "Pink Weekend" since it takes me that long to visit everyone!

Happy belated PS!

In shoes we trust,
Maggie Mae@
"Do these shoes match this purse?"

bj said...

Oh, LV, I am really LOVing your pretty new LOVE planter. Such a pretty pink, too.
And with it having your beloved roses, I know you will enjoy having it around for a long time.
Love, bj

Diann said...

Hi LV!

that is such a pretty planter! A wonderful find.

Sara Chapman said...

Yes, pink roses are always welcome. What a lovely little piece you found.

Beverly said...

Happy Pink Saturday, LaVoice.

This bowl is so pretty, and love is so appropriate for it.

Just stopping by to wish you and your family a happy and blessed Thanksgiving holiday.