Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Anniversary Giveaway




Thoughts From MEME's Corner has been in the blogging family one year today. Time does fly when you are having fun. I have truly had fun for the past year. What a joy it has been. Coloradolady exposed me to a world I never knew existed. I did not even know what a blog was still she set it up and told me to get with it. The year has had its challenges, with a lot of ups and downs, but I survived. In fact, I had my doubts if I would ever get one blog published. As of this day, I have published 251. Miracles do happen, For the first time in my life, used a digital camera. Now I am addicted to it. By mistake, just this past week, I learned how to video with it.

Where else could I have made so many friends and seen so much around the world except at Bloggerville. I thank all of you for your kindness and help in this endeavor. All your support and visits meant a lot to me. I truly enjoy your comments. They make my day. I can never express my appreciation that so many of you choose to follower my blog. I am so grateful.


In a small way to show my appreciation, I having my first giveaway in honor of this special day. This a metal birdhouse, trimmed in grapevines. It has two chain links on the top for hanging. This is the front.

A side view.

This beautiful yellow rose bloomed today in my yard just for my special occasion. This old yellow rose of Texas is planning on blogging right along.

All you need to do in order to be in the drawing for this giveaway is leave a comment on this post. You will have today through May 2nd to enter for the giveaway. Monday May 3,the computer will conduct the drawing. On Tuesday May 4th, the winner will be announced on a post for that day.


iheartsunnydays said...

HAPPY BLOG-IVERSARY!! Congratulations xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversary. Isn't it a great feeling? I, like you, didn't even know what a blog was when someone told me I should do one on my flowers. I'm up for a challenge so I did it!!!
The bird house is just adorable and your yellow rose is gorgeous!
Keep up the great work - I know I've really enjoyed your posts whenever I get a chance to stop by!!!

Becky K. said...

Hooray! You are a wonderful addition to the Blog World! I love your visits and comments too.

The post I remember the best is the one where you got pulled over. Still makes me smile.

Happy Blogiversary!!!

Becky K.

Julie said...

Congratulations on your Blogaversary! Beautiful birdhouse! Thanks for the chance to win!

Charlotte said...

Congratulations! I think it so uplifting for a "senior" citizen to do what you have accomplished. I try to get my mother involved with blogging, but I get the 'deer in the headlights' look everytime I do. Again, Congratulations!

Coloradolady said...

Little did I know I what a journey this would have been. I never thought for half a minute that you would even want one...just thought maybe if I made a blog it might stir some interest! LITTLE DID I KNOW!!

It is amazing and you are a true example that age does not matter, you CAN learn something new if you set your mind to it and WANT to learn it. That is what happens to older people who have a inner drive...they get things done!

It is the ones who say "I can't" and don't even really give an effort to things that lose out in this life...and I sincerely mean that...there are no excuses, it can be done if you want too!! You can do it!!! And you are certainly a marvelous example of that!!

I am proud of you!! You are such an inspiration to so many....and how lucky I AM, that you are my Aunt!!! I can hardly wait for what lies in store for this next year!! Happy Blog Anniversary!!!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Hi LV,

First congrats on your one year blogversary!

Second, I love that beautiful birdhouse give-away!

Third, yellow roses are so gorgous..

I'm featuring your blog for this week Pink Saturday..

Angel said...

How exciting, Happy Blogiversary. What an inspiration you are!! Love and Blessings, Angel

Ann said...

Happy Blogerville Aniversary!!!!! You are such a great lady and I'm so glad you discovering new things everyday about cameras and blogging. I've enjoyed all of your posts. LOVE the birdhouse.

Jocelyn said...

Happy Blogiversary LaVoice. I am so happy that you joined the ranks of bloggers. Your posts are always so interesting. Thanks for such a sweet giveaway. And thanks for entering me :-)


My name is Riet said...

Congratulations on your blogging anniversary LV. Isn't it wonderful to have all these friends around the world. I sure am happy with them. Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogging anniversary!!! I've been blessed by knowing you.

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita said...

Congratulations and Happy One Year Anniversary! You are definitely one of Texas' roses, and an inspiration to us all. And your roses are gorgeous! I am so glad I found your blog, because you really brighten my day. And the giveaway is wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win.

Heart2Heart said...


How wonderful that God has blessed you with great friends and family to support you in the blogging process. You are such an inspiration to so many who think they can't, yet you constantly show them, you can!

You are the bright star in my day.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

George said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I've very much enjoyed visiting you and look forward to future visits.

Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

Hi LV! Thanks for your visit today. That is a beautiful rose today. Thanks for sharing...Julian

Sandi (Meme) said...

Happy blogiversary! The time goes by very fast, doesn't it? I enjoy your blog so much, hope to see more of you. Have a beautiful week!

Diva Kreszl said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary LV! It is indeed wonderful how many people we meet here, just the sweetest hearts ans we get to see so much beyond our own backyards. I for one enjoy coming to visit you, not sure when else I might get to experience Texas :) LOVE that yellow rose of Texas, simply gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Great job on sticking to your goals. I collect bird houses, and that one is one of the darlingest I've seen. I love the grape vines because I used to have a grape vine in my yard when I was growing up.
Keep up the good work!

Atticmag said...

So glad you're enjoying your blogging adventure and congrats on your milestone. The best part for me, too, is learning new things! Thanks for stopping by my blog. -- Jane F.

eileeninmd said...

Happy anniversary! Love the birdhouse and your pretty yellow rose.
Congrats and heres to another great year of blogging.

★Carol★ said...

Happy Anniversary LV! Doesn't the time go by fast? I recently celebrated my first year too. I would love to win that birdhouse, and thank you for the chance to win it!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats, LV.... You have been such an inspiration to me---and I hope that I still have your zest for life and your wonderful personality when I am in my 80's... God Bless You!!!!

xinex said...

Congrats on your blogaversary! The birdhouse is beautiful!...Christine

Kim, USA said...

Hi LV, Happy Blogversary to you!! I do appreciate your visit to me, all the time. Happy weekend!

CC said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! I'm so proud Colorado Lady helped you get set with a blog. The blogging world is a better place because you're in it.
You are a sweet and cherished friend by so many of us..and it is both an honor and pleasure to call you friend..

marilyn said...

1 year already. Keep up the good work. We all love your blog.

Marites said...

happy Blogverysary!! May you have more to come. love that birdhouse you're giving away but am not sure if i'm qualified. anyway, am wishing you more great posts in the coming years.

Miri said...

Happy Blogiversary!

I can't believe its a year...I remember your first post to VTT and how you told us you were a new blogger.

hetty said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary! I love your blog. Love that cute little bird house too and would love to win it! Thanks for giving me a chance.

JEANNE said...

Meme, I missed your anniversary post. Shame on me. You are the most delightful blogger and I wish you congratulations on learning how to blog, whats more blogging in a very sweet way.

Please enter me in the drawing. Maybe I will be lucky.

Hugs, Jeanne

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi LV Sweetie...
Happy Blog-a-Versary. I am so thrilled for you. This is quite a milestone. My 1 year will be in June. What did we do with our time before we had blogging to tend to?

You are such a pleasure and I adore coming to visit, and see what you have been up to.

Love the birdhouse sweetie. It is absolutely precious and any one of us would be so lucky to win.

Please enter my name into the drawing. Thank you LV for allowing me to call you friend. Have a beautiful evening sweetie. Country hugs and much love...Sherry

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary, LV! I love birdhouses, so please enter my name into the draw. Thank you.


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Happy Anniversary!!
What an adorable little birdhouse!
I always enjoy my visits with you!

Snuggly Monkey said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog last week. I love yours. Happy Blogiversary!